INCLUDE ======= ./include Header files to be included APPLICATIONS ============ groupSegEval To evaluate segmentations of the same object (for within-benchmark evaluation) Usage: groupSegEval fnMesh dirIn dirOut modelId nSegs [options] iseg Interactive mesh segmentation program used by us to collect manual segmentations from Mturk Usage: iseg fnMesh fnSeg [options] msh2msh To convert mesh files between difference formats ("ply", "off", "obj") Usage: msh2msh fnMeshIn fnMeshOut [options] mshinfo Show mesh information including nFaces, nVertices, nEdges, Segmentation info(optional), etc. Usage: mshinfo fnMesh [-seg fnSeg] mshview To view a mesh Usage: mshview fnMesh [-seg fnSeg] [options] outputSegments To output all vertices of each segment in a segmented mesh (as .segment file), could be used as inputs to QHull. Usage: outputSegments fnMesh [-seg fnSeg] dirOutput [-v] segAnalysis To analysis properties of segmentations Usage:segAnalysis fnMesh -id id -nFilesIn N -dirStat nameDirStat -dirIn nameDirIn [options] segEval To compare two mesh segmentations quantitatively Usage: segEval fnMesh fnSeg fnSegRef dirStat [options] segPreprocess To pre-process segmentations generated by algorithms. It maps the input segmentation fnSegIn on the input mesh fnMeshIn to the geometry of fnMeshOut and fnSegOut accordingly. It also makes sure that each segment is a single component. Usage: segPreprocess fnMeshIn fnSegIn fnSegOut fnMeshOut [options]